Season ticket subscription form

Friends of Sowerby Music give invaluable support to the Society by underwriting the whole concert series through the purchase of a specially discounted ticket.
- Please send me ............. full year subscription tickets
September 2019 to June 2019 £90 * - Please send me ............. first half year subscription tickets
September 2018 to January 2019 £40 ** - Please send me ............. second half year subscription tickets
February 2019 to June 2019 £40 **
I enclose a cheque for £ .............. payable to ‘Sowerby Music’
Please send the ticket(s) to:
Name ......................................................................
Address ...................................................................
....................................... Post Code ...................
Telephone .................................................................
Email .....................................................................
Kindly return this form with your cheque and SAE to the Sowerby Music Friends’ Secretary
Graham Merriam
1 Hawthorne Terrace, Bagby, Thirsk YO7 2PQ
Telephone 01845 597058
Thank you
* Gift element £30
** Gift element £15
Sowerby Music can reclaim Gift Aid on the donation portion of your Subscription Ticket.
This enables us to claim an additional amount from HMRC.
If you are paying tax equal to or more than that in the year and are happy for us to make this claim please sign, date and clearly insert your name below.
If you do NOT wish us to do so, then please leave this part of the form blank.
Many thanks
I wish Sowerby Music to reclaim Gift Aid on the donation element of my Subscription Ticket.